Smart Carrier | Video | How to Add a Payment Method

Smart Carrier | Video | How to Add a Payment Method

How to Add a Payment Method

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In this tutorial, we will discuss how you can utilize our Smart Carrier platform to quickly and conveniently make a payment and set up auto-pay to your Smart Carrier account using a major credit card. 

We will now demonstrate how to add a credit card to your Smart Carrier account.

We will start by navigating to and selecting ‘Account Balance & Credit Cards’ under the ‘My Account Menu,’ as shown.

From the ‘Account Balance & Credit Cards’ page, scroll down to ‘Credit Cards & Auto Recharge.’

You will see the ‘Add Credit Card button,’ as shown here.

When you are ready to add a credit card, click the Add Credit Card button, and the ‘Add Payment Method’ window will appear, as shown.

In the first box with the description ‘Card Holder Name’ enter the cardholder name as it appears on the card, as shown.

In the next box, with the description ‘Credit Card Number,’ enter your card number, as shown.

After you have entered a valid credit card number, the cursor will automatically move to the credit card expiration month and year. Please note, here, you must enter the 2-digit month, and the 2-digit year, as shown.

After you have entered the 2-digit expiration month and year, the cursor will automatically move to the credit card CVC number. Enter the Credit Card CVC Number, as shown. 

Please note, you can find your credit card CVC number on the back of the card. 

After entering the credit card CVC number, the cursor will automatically move to the credit card zip code as shown. Here, enter your 5-digit zip code, and select save, as shown.

After you have entered your credit card information, the Save button will turn blue, indicating that you are ready to save the credit card on file. 

Please note, if any credit card information is missing, or considered invalid, the save button will not turn blue, and you will need to review the credit card information you have just entered.

Click the Save button, as shown, and the message “Your Credit Card has been added successfully” will appear, as shown.

When you see this message, you have successfully added a payment method to your account.