Smart Carrier | Video | How to Set Up Account Notifications

Smart Carrier | Video | How to Set Up Account Notifications

How to Set Up Account Notifications

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In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how you can receive notifications from your Smart Carrier account. The Email Notifications setting allows you to set one or more email addresses to receive any important notifications sent from our Smart Carrier platform.

For example, if you would like to receive payment notifications or AI Health reports in your email, you can add your email address as well as any other email addresses that you wish to receive email notifications to your Email Notifications settings.

Please note, all email addresses added to the notification’s settings page will receive any notification sent from your Smart Carrier account.

To configure your Email Notifications, start by logging into your Smart Carrier account at and navigate to ‘Notifications’ under the ‘My Account’ menu, and the email notifications page will appear, as shown.

Next, when you are ready to add an email address to receive your Smart Carrier account notifications, click the plus (+) icon following ‘Emails subscribed to notifications,’ and a new window to ‘Enter the email address’ will appear, as shown.

Next, enter the email address you wish to receive account notifications in email, and click the save option, as shown.

Please note, if you do not wish to enter any email address, simply click the cancel button.

In this example, we will configure to receive account notifications.

Once you have entered a valid email address, click the save button, and the updated notifications setting will appear as shown.

After you have saved the next email address, the Email Notifications will display the new email address in addition to any email addresses previously added. In this example, and will appear, as shown.

If you would like to remove an email address from the Email Notifications page, simply click the delete icon following the email address. In this example, we will delete the email address, as shown.

After deleting an email address, the page will update with any remaining email addresses that will still receive account notifications, as shown.