Smart Carrier | API | Release Telephone Numbers

Smart Carrier | API | Release Telephone Numbers

The Release Telephone Numbers web service is a RESTful-compliant and may be accessed via HTTPS using an API Key. You may obtain your API Key from your web portal or from your Smart Carrier Account Representative. All results are returned as JSON. Charges may apply to use this API.

***** Please read before releasing numbers *****
  1. Any number released prior to 90 days from date of activation will incur a $0.25 surcharge.

Below, please find the endpoints and examples:

Release Telephone Numbers:

What do the response values mean?

  • AccountGuid: the account's unique identifier.

  • TelephoneNumber:  The telephone number requested for release.

  • RequestCost: Whether or not the release incurred a cost due to an immediate release.

  • DateTimeRequested:  The date and time of the request.

  • ResponseMessage: A friendly representation of the request's status.

  • ResponseCode:

    • 200: Successful

    • 503: ResponseMessage will contain the reason.