Smart Carrier | API Key | National DNC

Smart Carrier | API Key | National DNC

The National DNC web service is a RESTful-compliant and may be accessed via HTTPS using an API Key. You may obtain your API Key from your web portal or from your Smart Carrier Account Representative. All results are returned as JSON. Charges may apply to use this API.

****** DISCLAIMER: We provide certain pre-populated data and related data services, including, but not limited to, dial codes, LERG, LNP, LRN, DNC, FOR CONVENIENCE only and does not warrant or guarantee their accuracy. Subscriber is free to choose their own alternative sources for such data to be used in conjunction with the Services. It is Subscriber's responsibility to ensure all rates and codes are correct in their Services before utilizing the Services. 
If you do not understand what you're doing, please contact ******

Below, please find the endpoints and examples:

National DNC:

  • Endpoint:


  • Method:

    • GET

  • Parameters:

    • TelephoneNumber: Any correctly formatted telephone number.

      • Example: 3155564800, 13155564800, +13155564800

  • Headers:

    • x-api-key: Your API key.

  • Sample Request:

  • Response:

    "RequestGuid": "ee5312c5-b628-468d-84cd-5492272e2e1b",
    "AccountGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "PhoneNumber": "3155564801",
    "NationalDNC": false,
    "RequestingIP": "",
    "RequestedAt": "2024-05-07T14:19:58.7849658Z",
    "CompletedAt": "2024-05-07T14:20:00.1024426Z",
    "ProcessingTime": "1317.4768",
    "ReturnStatus": "Success",
    "ReturnCode": 200

What do the response values mean?

  • RequestGuid: a unique identifier assigned to this request.

  • AccountGuid: the account's unique identifier.

  • Phone Number: The telephone number requested.

  • NationalDNC: true if found, false if not found.

  • RequestedAt:  The time, in UTC, of when the request was received.

  • CompletedAt:  The time, in UTC, of when the request was completed.

  • ReturnCode:

    • 200: Successful

    • 404: ReturnStatus will contain the reason.

    • 503: ReturnStatus will contain the reason.