Smart Carrier | STI-AS: Requesting a STIR/SHAKEN Token (US Only)

Smart Carrier | STI-AS: Requesting a STIR/SHAKEN Token (US Only)

The STIR/SHAKEN Token Request API is a RESTful-compliant service that may be accessed via HTTPS using an API Key.  You may obtain your API Key from your web portal or from your SmartCarrier sales representative.  All results are returned as JSON. This web service is a geographically distributed service. Region-specific endpoints are provided for your convenience. We always recommend using the main endpoint.


Geographically Distributed (Recommended):

  1. GET
  1. ToNumber:  Any correctly formatted 10 or 11 digit telephone number
  2. FromNumber:  Any correctly formatted 10 or 11 digit telephone number
  3. Attestation:  Either A, B, or C.  This field is not sensitive and will be formatted to the correct standard.
    1. Optional Field.  
    2. Defaults to C if not present.
  1. x-api-key:  Your SmartCarrier API key.  You may find your API key here -
Sample Requests:
  1. Without Attestation Level:
  2. With Attestation Level:
Sample Response:
  1. In order to use the STIR/SHAKEN token assigned, you must add the 'Identity' header to your SIP headers.  The property is highlighted below.
  2. Other data is also returned depending on the services your account is subscribed to.
"RequestGuid": "026d9886-cf6f-4dca-8a70-a21b71dfbbb8",
"AccountGuid": "1b7416bb-c7fb-4710-9dd5-a5c2bd1a01ef",
"ToNumber": "12028883803",
"FromNumber": "8003816311",
"IPAddress": "",
"Country": "US",
"IsDNC": "false",
"IsAINumbers: "false",
"IsDisconnected": "false",
"CallerIDToUse": "8003816311",
"Identity": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwicHB0Ijoic2hha2VuIiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZXMuc21hcnRjYXJyaWVyLmlvLzFiNzQxNmJiLWM3ZmItNDcxMC05ZGQ1LWE1YzJiZDFhMDFlZi5jZXIifQ.eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJBIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6WyIxMjAyODg4MzgwMyJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNjcyNDE1NDgzLCJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiMTgwMDM4MTYzMTEifSwib3JpZ2lkIjoiNDI2ZmYxOGQtOGVlOS00NmE3LWIxOTQtOWY0YTg1ZDcxOGMxIn0.vBruZGhf7zoHvp9DYmTkuER7iv8aNZHDHAQ2EWyk_QA37Hd5fa8XYxn32SQpm9fddAneQ42bTFj62-juDZme6w;info=<>;alg=ES256;ppt=shaken",
"CAID": "026d9886-cf6f-4dca-8a70-a21b71dfbbb8",
"AttestationLevel": "A",
"SHAKEN_Server": "",
"IsInternallyFlagged": "false",
"RoutingNumber": null,
"LERGInformation": {
"RequestGuid": "927f67c0-b0ee-44f9-9986-1707c19ee3cb",
"RoutingNumber": "15713500990",
"NPANXX": 1571350,
"Block": "0",
"USState": "VA",
"AssignedTo": "ONVOY, LLC - VA",
"AssignedTo_OCN": "138E",
"Type": "CLEC",
"Ilec_OCN": "9213",
"Lata": "236",
"TollFree": false,
"IsValid": true,
"RequestedAt": "2022-12-30T15:51:23.0807546Z",
"ElapsedMilliseconds": 0
"RequestGuid": "b387747f-c5e6-445b-9abe-6c98633fec3b",
"RoutingNumber": "8003816311",
"NPANXX": 0,
"Block": null,
"USState": "TF",
"AssignedTo": null,
"AssignedTo_OCN": null,
"Type": "Toll Free",
"Ilec": null,
"Ilec_OCN": null,
"Lata": "000",
"TollFree": true,
"IsValid": true,
"RequestedAt": "2022-12-30T15:51:23.0806414Z",
"ElapsedMilliseconds": 0
"DNCInformation": null,
"TILTXID": "026d9886-cf6f-4dca-8a70-a21b71dfbbb8",
"ServiceData": null,
"LimitInboundPerANI": null,
"RequestedAt": "2022-12-30T15:51:23.027925Z",
"CompletedAt": "2022-12-30T15:51:23.6972319Z",
"ProcessingTime": "469.3069",
"ReturnCode": 200,
"ReturnStatus": "Certificate Manager Account"